Monday, July 28, 2014

An eventful week

John has been in hospice for a week. The hospice team of nurses, nurse assistants and palliative care doctors has been outstanding. The first couple of days focused on finding the optimal format for providing pain medication. They ultimately settled on a constant intravenous drip (basal level) that is adjusted over time to eliminate episodes of pain.  As soon as he experiences pain he is provided with additional (bolus) dose. Looking back they adjust the basal level to match the prior level plus the bolus injection so he, for a time, doesn't need to have additional injections. He's had his basal level modified two times in the past five days and has been holding constant for the last two days. Pain management of this sort has been critical as it grants him the ability to have significant periods of lucidity. 

Saturday John's two dogs "snuck" into the hospital.  It was a wonderful surprise.

He has had many of his friends and family come to visit and has enjoyed hearing the latest news from them about their lives and careers.  Of course there has been time to harass one another too in true buddy system fashion. :)

Yesterday saw the departure of several of his college roommates and friends. This was truly a bittersweet time. It is so good to see one another but knowing that there are not many other opportunities for all to be together again tempers the joy.

My newlywed cousin, Jeannine and her husband Ray, in conjunction with John, announced that their new section of vineyard in San Diego will be named after John.

John spends an increasing part of his day taking naps. This is the common progression of this stage of the disease. It is partially induced by medication and partially by the impact of the tumor on the brain.

We continue to enjoy each day together, fortunate to have the friends and family to support us.

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